Attorney David J. King


You Deserve Fair Compensation For A Slip-And-Fall Accident

Anytime someone trips, slip or sustains a hard impact injury in a fall due to the negligence of another, they may have a valid premises liability claim against the owner or caretaker of the property. These type of injury cases — known as premises liability lawsuits — arise from carelessness on the part of property owners who fail to maintain safe walkways, keep their property in good repair and remove dangerous debris such as snow and ice.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone elses negligence, it’s important to work with an experienced Sioux Falls personal injury attorney to help you get the compensation you deserve. At King Law Firm, P.C., we have been fighting for the good people of South Dakota and northwest Iowa for more than 30 years. Our experienced attorneys can negotiate a fair settlement with a property owner’s insurance company on your behalf — and if they won’t be reasonable or willfully take responsibility for their actions, we take them to court.

Premise Liability Claims Protect Victims

Most slip-and-fall injuries can be traced back to property owners, managers and maintenance personnel who fail to keep surfaces, stairs and other walkways reasonably safe for pedestrians. It’s important to understand that you, as a pedestrian, don’t have a responsibility to negotiate hazardous spaces — rather, it’s the property owner’s duty to make the spaces safe.

Whether a slip and fall happens at a construction site, private residence, restaurant or store, hard falls often lead to significant injuries. Consider taking these steps after a slip-and-fall accident:

  • Collect manger or property owner contact information
  • Gather names of witnesses
  • Take photos of the accident scene, injuries and footwear
  • Seek immediate medical attention
  • Refrain from making detailed statements until speaking with an attorney
  • Direct insurance company inquiries and quick settlement offers to your attorney

The vast majority of businesses and property owners carry liability insurance and we can often negotiate a fair settlement that compensates you for injuries and expenses.

Get Fair, Just Compensation For A Slip-And-Fall Injury

Hard impacts to the back, neck and head can have long-term ramifications. Soft tissues injuries are difficult to diagnose and treat. They can cause you to lose earning capacity and detract from your quality of life.

The perils of head injuries are just beginning to come to light. We’ve all seen the headlines about the debilitating effects concussions have on professional football players. Doctors and researchers are only beginning to understand the life-changing effects of concussions and catastrophic head injuries. Even single blows to the head can create lasting brain injuries. That’s why it’s important to work with an experienced lawyer who understands the long-term costs of such injuries.

It would be fundamentally unfair for you to suffer a loss from a slip-and-fall accident due to another’s negligence without just compensation. If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall, contact King Law Firm, P.C., at 855-201-0098 or email us online for a free consultation. We will fight for you.