Attorney David J. King


Year: 2021

What to do if an object is suddenly in the path of your vehicle

Most drivers in South Dakota know what to do in various adverse situations. They know how to drive safely in snow, heavy rain, fog and on icy pavement. They know how to outsmart a tailgater or a motorist exhibiting signs of road rage. They know how to protect...

Watch out for seasonal hazards this fall

Fall is here, and with it comes a seasonal change that may catch some drivers off guard. While it’s not yet winter and you shouldn’t have to watch out for ice until mid-November or December, the season is a bit unpredictable. With falling leaves, there is a risk of...

¿Qué debo hacer si me lastimo en el trabajo?

Pasamos gran parte de nuestro tiempo en nuestro trabajo. Por ello, hay una probabilidad grande de que nos lastimemos al desarrollar nuestras actividades laborales. Si usted se lastimó en el trabajo, debe saber que no es responsable de pagar sus cuentas médicas ni de...

5 common causes of rear-end collisions 

The roads in South Dakota can be hazardous at the best of times. Unfortunately, collisions do occur. Rear-end crashes are particularly common. These have the potential to be catastrophic.  As a result, it is beneficial to examine some of the most common causes of this...

Can you get Social Security Disability for an amputation?

When you suffer an amputation, you may have a long recovery period. During that time, you may not be able to return to work or may have trouble doing the work you did in the past. In some cases, you may be able to seek Social Security Disability Insurance benefits to...

¿Qué pasa si alguien sin seguro de autos me choca?

Nadie debe pagar por los errores de otros. Por esa razón, el conductor culpable de un accidente automovilístico debe compensarle al otro conductor por los gastos en los que incurra por el choque. Esta compensación se hace por medio de la aseguradora del conductor...

Make your case for compensation after an injury

Did you know that you only have three days to report a work injury to your employer in South Dakota? That means that if you get hurt on Thursday and take Friday off without reporting it, your claim could be invalidated by the time Monday comes. Even more significant...

Parents, keep your kids safer during the back-to-school season

As summer fades and families prepare for the back-to-school season, child safety occupies the minds of many Sioux Falls, South Dakota parents. Whether your kids are walking, biking, bussing or driving to school, a motor vehicle accident can turn a new school season...

Las 5 ocupaciones con mayor riesgo de lesiones

Las lesiones en el trabajo son comunes. Por ello, la ley de los Estados Unidos exige que los empleadores compensen a sus trabajadores cuando éstos se lastiman realizando sus actividades laborales.  Aunque en todos los trabajos hay una posibilidad de lastimarse,...

