Attorney David J. King


Social Security Disability

Is it true everyone gets rejected when applying for SSDI benefits?

Some people with debilitating medical issues have private disability insurance coverage. They purchase policies on their own behalf or have benefits from their employer that can help them replace their income when they stop working. Other people do not have private...

How long must employees work to qualify for SSDI?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits exist to protect working adults from severe medical challenges that affect their careers. Someone who has an injury or illness that prevents them from working can potentially apply for SSDI benefits. What they...

What does an SSDI benefits appeal involve?

Someone who is applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits is probably already in a difficult situation. They likely have substantial health challenges and no way to work. Someone's health issues won't stop lenders from expecting them to make...

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and disability: What to know

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is the “catch-all” diagnosis for a cluster of disorders that can affect someone’s connective tissues. It was largely unknown to most people until fairly recently when medical researchers began to look for genetic markers that could...

3 reasons Social Security Disability claims get denied

The decision to file for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits isn’t an easy one – and the process of actually obtaining those benefits can be even harder. For the most part, applicants are in for a long wait. As of November 2022, the average wait for a decision...

Can you qualify for SSD benefits with an addiction?

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be a lifesaver for people who aren’t able to remain gainfully employed due to mental or physical impairments. What if your impairment is related to your use of alcohol or drugs? Any chemical substance you ingest has the...

Dementia conditions can qualify for SSDI

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is devastating at virtually any age. However, when it strikes someone in their 40s or 50s or even younger, it can rob them of years or even decades of pursuing their career. It can leave them unable to hold any kind of job that would...

How do you qualify for Social Security Disability?

If you are hurt while you’re working, one of the potential problems you could run into is being permanently hurt to the point of being unable to work. When you cannot work to support yourself, one of the options that may be open to you is to apply for Social Security...

For SSD, mental disorders come in 11 categories 

Many people who seek Social Security Disability benefits have a physical disability, perhaps resulting from an illness or an injury that they suffered. But it's important to note that mental disorders could also lead to disability claims. The Social Security...

