Attorney David J. King


Year: 2021

¿Qué necesito para demandar por mala fe de aseguradora?

El objetivo de las aseguradoras es el salvarnos de un apuro económico cuando un accidente sucede. Sin embargo, algunas compañías de seguros no cumplen su parte del contrato y niegan los reclamos legítimos de sus asegurados para no tener pérdidas. Si a usted le sucedió...

Beware of dangerous winter weather conditions in Sioux Falls

No one knows why, but many South Dakota residents seem to forget how to drive when winter’s icy fingers begin to steal across our roadways. The start of winter comes with more auto accidents than most other times of the year. Near the beginning of each winter, we like...

Follow these 4 tips to stay safe driving in winter

Driving in winter in South Dakota opens you up to the risk of crashing due to ice and snow. It’s very important to prepare yourself and your vehicle for the cold months ahead. The South Dakota Safety Council put together a helpful winter driving fact sheet with tips...

The risks that come with working in housekeeping

Working in the housekeeping profession is more physically demanding and potentially dangerous than many people realize if they’ve never done this kind of work. Whether you’re cleaning offices, hotel rooms or any type of property, you need the right equipment –...

Should you settle your personal injury claim?

When you’re involved in an auto accident, you may require medical treatment. You might have serious injuries that need ongoing care, and your life may be completely disrupted. For victims of auto collisions, life may never be the same. That’s why it’s so important to...

Por qué es importante acudir al médico después de un choque

La probabilidad de estar involucrado en choque de auto siempre existe. Si a usted le choca un auto alguna vez, debe saber que tiene el derecho de pedirle al conductor culpable que le compense por sus daños, incluyendo sus gastos médicos. Para compensarle, la...

Understanding the high risks of rural roads

If you spend most of your time driving on rural roads, the odds are that you view them as fairly safe. There is usually not a lot of traffic around you, which contributes to this feeling.  However, studies have found that rural roads are actually more dangerous. Even...

Why does South Dakota require underinsured motorist coverage?

Every driver in South Dakota has to carry at least a minimum amount of insurance. To legally drive in South Dakota, a person must pay for $25,000 worth of property damage liability coverage. They also need $25,000 worth of bodily injury liability coverage in case they...

Is the back seat of a car still safer than the front? 

Traditionally, people consider the back seat of a car to be safer than the front. A lot of it just has to do with proximity. In a crash, someone who is farther from the impact zone likely won’t experience the same level of injury since energy dissipates before...

