Attorney David J. King


Beware of dangerous winter weather conditions in Sioux Falls

On Behalf of | Dec 2, 2021 | Car Accidents

No one knows why, but many South Dakota residents seem to forget how to drive when winter’s icy fingers begin to steal across our roadways. The start of winter comes with more auto accidents than most other times of the year.

Near the beginning of each winter, we like to devote some time to remind you (and ourselves) about the hazards of wintertime driving. These reminders can help to encourage motorists to be more cautious when winter starts.

Watch for seasonal hazards

When temperatures begin dropping, ice and snow, two extremely hazardous elements, are sure to follow. Snow and the inevitable ice accumulation look majestic on our roadways, but they also contribute to many auto accidents.

Remember to be extra cautious when snow makes its first appearance, as falling snow can significantly reduce the visibility of motorists. Be on alert for black ice as well. It is nearly impossible to see a patch of black ice, making it a top cause of winter season vehicle crashes.

You can be sure that at least some motorists driving near you are not practicing caution when winter starts. Always be on the lookout for single-car breakdowns or accidents that may block your path. In storm conditions, it is more important than ever to watch for other cars.

Two other hazards you need to remember

The first hazard is wildlife that may come out of hiding in the late fall and early winter to mate. Make sure to watch for animals every time you drive your vehicle, especially in the early winter. The second hazard is other motorists. As you should at all times of the year, watch out for the poor driving behaviors of those with whom you must share the road.

If an auto accident occurs despite your best efforts, learning more about South Dakota accident compensation may ensure a favorable outcome.

