Attorney David J. King


Year: 2017

Did reckless driving cause you to suffer injuries in an accident?

Getting to work, the grocery store, your child's school or numerous other destinations often requires you to get behind the wheel of a vehicle or to allow someone else to drive you. This common form of transportation allows you and many others to reach your desired...

How to hold your insurance company accountable for bad faith

Compared to the average policyholder - an everyday Bob or Joe - insurance companies are in a position of power. They have vast resources and superior bargaining positions. They also have a strong financial incentive to delay or deny claims. Put simply, the less they...

Are you ready to hit the road this winter?

With the official end of fall just around the corner, you and many other South Dakota residents may already feel apprehensive about the winter weather ahead. In particular, you may dread having to get out on the roads with seasonal hazards and other travelers who may...

Increase your chances of a successful application process

Whether it was through an accident or an illness, you may find yourself unable to work. You may wonder how you will support yourself and your family if your condition keeps you from working for a year or longer.Someone may have told you that you could apply for Social...

Distraction may be to blame for your car accident

Distraction is a major problem, not just in South Dakota, but also across the country. Every day, innocent motorists are at risk of accident because drivers are engaged in various types of distracting activities, which include everything from looking at a phone to...

