Attorney David J. King


Delayed injury onset is a serious post-crash concern

On Behalf of | Oct 20, 2024 | Car Accidents

Many of the worst injuries possible in a car crash scenario result in immediate consequences. People bleed profusely, can’t use broken limbs or can’t exit a vehicle because of a spinal cord injury. They may end up unconscious and in need of immediate emergency medical care.

Such scenarios are concerning, but they are not universal. Quite a few vehicle occupants with potentially severe injuries may not recognize the warning signs at first. In fact, there may not be any warning signs initially. Delayed symptom onset for car crash injuries is a safety concern that makes seeing a doctor after a crash a necessary choice in many cases.

What causes delayed symptom onset?

The body’s response to stress

One of the reasons that people don’t notice injury symptoms is that their bodies cover those symptoms up with a profound chemical reaction. The fight or flight response, also known as the stress response, can help people get out of dangerous situations. The body covers up sensations of pain and provides people with a surge of energy. People may feel surprisingly good after a crash initially occurs, only to have symptoms start showing up a few hours later or the next day.

The risk of internal injuries

Many of the worst injuries possible in a car crash are inside the human body. The force of impact against the steering wheel or the pressure of the safety restraints might cause internal bleeding. Some people hit their heads on the window or the dashboard, causing swelling inside the skull. Their injuries may produce minor symptoms initially, but the bleeding may continue if left undiagnosed for too long. In some cases, internal bleeding and traumatic brain injuries can threaten people’s lives because they don’t receive care quickly enough after a crash.

Those who see a doctor as soon as possible after a motor vehicle collision can get the diagnosis they need and prompt access to medical treatment. Their prognosis is better in many cases, and they may also have an easier time obtaining financial compensation for their collision-related injury expenses. Filing a claim for insurance coverage or a lawsuit is often easier in cases where people see a doctor as soon as possible after a crash instead of waiting several days until symptoms develop.

