After a workplace accident, you could face injuries, medical bills and other complications that can overwhelm you and your South Dakota family. Through a workers’ compensation claim, you can secure certain benefits that will allow you to recoup a portion of your lost wages and cover your medical bills. However, that may not be all you need to get better and move forward.
Some injured workers may need additional support well after the initial accident. In fact, you may not be able to return to the same job or do the same things that you were able to do in the past. Through your workers’ compensation claim, you may be able to claim rehabilitation benefits, which can help you put your life back together and get back to work.
What are rehabilitation benefits?
For workers who need additional support after an accident, rehabilitation benefits may be available. These benefits are for those who may need help getting back to work or reentering the workforce due to the nature of their injuries. These benefits may include:
- Help with updating and completing a new resume
- Assistance with the job search
- Interview training and preparation support
- Tuition for additional education that may be necessary
- Ergonomic assessment and help seeking necessary disability accommodations
- Provision of on-the-job training
If your injuries were serious and you will have long-term complications because of them, it may not be easy to simply go back to work or find a new job. Reentering the workforce can be an intimidating prospect for a person who has new physical challenges and has been through a lengthy recovery.
You may find it beneficial to seek a complete explanation of all of the benefits to which you may be entitled through your workers’ compensation claim. Don’t leave any money on the table or support unused — you have the right to ask for the full recovery you deserve.
Preserving your interests as an injured worker
One of the most beneficial things you can do after a work accident is to take quick action to protect your rights and interests. You may find it beneficial to reach out for support as soon as possible so that you can have guidance throughout the workers’ compensation benefits claims process.
If you are unsure of where to start or whether or not you could be eligible for rehabilitation benefits, you may find it helpful to pursue a complete evaluation of your case and potential claim before moving forward.